As of Dec 2010 time attacks will be at 7pm est daily.
Time Attacks are daily Mon-Thurs
We would like to encourage all guild members to participate and invest in rapid/fleeting gear. Rapid/fleeting gear will serve you outside of TA/siege as well, it's a great investment.
We would urge that guild members try to set a goal to reach a movement speed of 200 UN-BUFFED. Once you use rapid gear you will not regret the investment., rapid/fleeting gear is also evasion, it helps evading hits from mobs and players as well.
We would like to encourage guild members to also learn PP dungeon. If you need help learning PP we have maps available. Also Hybrid and Kaza, are available to help ppl make the run if they need it. (after every TA Kaza and Hybrid make a run thru PP)
Thank you, now lets go own a dungeon!!!